VFW Post 39 Positions 

Elected Positions

  • Post Commander: Cynthia S.

    Post Commander is the key officer of the Post. They, alone, represent the judicial branch of the organization and have some of the responsibilities of the executive branch. They preside at all meetings, enforce the rules, appoint committees not otherwise provided for and make certain that other officers and committeemen perform their duties.

  • Post Senior Vice Commander: Matthew K.

    Post Senior Vice Commander shall assist the Commander in preserving order, preside in the absence of the Commander, provide such advice or assistance as may be required and perform such other duties as are usually in incident to such office or may from time to time be required by the laws and usages of the organization or lawful orders from proper authority.

  • Post Junior Vice Commander: Mauricio M.

    Post Junior Vice Commander shall assist the Commander and preserving order preside in the absence of the commander and a senior Vice Commander, provide such advice or assistance as may be required and perform such other duties as are usually incident to such office or may from time to time be required of them by the laws and usages of the organization or lawful orders from proper authority.

  • Quartermaster: Deidra B.

    Quartermaster has certain definite responsibilities and duties. They are the responsible officer for all Post funds and property and their signature validates all checks. They keep the fiscal records for the Post and have the duty of overseeing all financial transactions. They must be bonded to the Post for all funds under their control.

  • Post Trustee: Christopher R., Joshua M., Karen D.

    Post Trustees serve a three-year term. Cannot serve on any committee that handles post funds. Exist to hold all parties handling funds accountable. Report all audit findings to the post membership. Trustees audits must be completed every quarter. Extend to every operation of the post. Highlight irregular banking practices. Be reported to the post membership with any found discrepancies.

  • Post Chaplain: Phillip M.

    Post Chaplain are available to help individuals and their families with their spiritual needs. In times of crisis such as hospitalization, injury, or death, the chaplain will help and aid veterans and their families. Visitations with veterans and their families to provide comfort and encouragement is an important function of the chaplain. May be called upon to represent the Post at official functions or public meetings, and the Chaplain may be asked to give invocations, dedicatory prayers, or benediction. Are expected to provide care and be spiritual advisor to your organization and its members.

  • House Committee Chairperson: Matthew K.

    House committee chairperson may be selected in any way the post determines but it is generally considered advisable that it be elected by the post membership. Act on behalf of the Post in making certain that the club is run in an effective, reputable and legal manner and that the rules of the VFW are adhered to. Hires all employees, sets their salaries, and issues necessary instructions and orders to the club manager. The committee usually meets at least once a month for the purpose of discussing facility problems, taking inventory, studying Financial reports, and in general, acting as an advisor, supervisor or disciplinary board. here

VFW Post 39 History 

The Story of Lawrence Melzer Tate

Lawrence M. Tate an enlisted man in the U.S. Navy, was the first St. Petersburg man to make the supreme sacrifice in World War I and it was for that reason that our Post, when originally formed in January 1919, took this brave sailor’s name as a symbol of sanctification; that its members would forever perpetuate, consecrate and sanctify the comradeship which had sprung up between men in arms.

Lawrence M. Tate was born in Magalia, California on June 10, 1900. His parents moved to St. Petersburg in the year 1910. L.M. Tate attended schools in the Sunshine City of St. Petersburg, Florida, until his sophomore year in the St. Petersburg High School, when he enlisted in the U.S. Navy in April 1917. L.M. Tate was aboard the American steamship Lake Moor, sailing on her maiden voyage with a naval crew aboard, which was sunk by an enemy submarine in European waters about midnight, April 11, 1918. The Navy Department announced that five officers and thirty-nine men were missing from the crew of the Lake Moor. The body of L.M. Tate has never been recovered.

  • Lawrence Melzer Tate post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, was instituted here last night at Emmet Riley’s restaurant and the officers, elected several weeks ago, were installed, Capt. Riley being in charge. Ansel Tate, a brother of the dead sailor for whom the local post was named, was received as a member of the local post. He is now on the battleship Utah and is home on a furlough. There are 14 members in the local post.

    Those Who Achieve Greatness.

    Greatness is usually a by-product. It comes to those who are so busy accomplishing some task that needs to be done that they have no time to think of their own glory.

    Newspaper Article

  • The local camp, Veterans of Foreign Wars, recently organized, bears the designation of No. 39. The camp will hold a meeting Friday night at 7:30 to initiate a class of 14 new members. All of these men have recently returned from service in France and Belgium. Officers will be installed and a ladies' auxiliary formed. Frank Selmar has been commissioned by the national organization to institute the camp. The session Friday night will be held at the G. A. R. hall.

    Newspaper Article

  • Ensign Still, Paddon and Selmar Are Named for High General Offices Six new members were Initiated by the L. M. Tate Post 39, Veterans of Foreign Wars, at the meeting held in the G. A. R. hall last night. Post 39 was given recognition from headquarters by an order to elect three state officers. Ensign Joe F. Still, president and manager of the Southern Construction company, was elected assistant Inspector general of Foreign Wars; W. F. Paddon, recruiting officer for the state; Frank Selmar, national aid for state.

    Is 20 Years Old.
    The Veterans of Foreign Wars is an organization 20 years old. It can never die out as long as the United States engages in foreign wars because anyone is eligible who has seen foreign service. Its purpose at the present time is essentially to help the boys returning from war to prepare themselves for their life in peace times. The older members returned from the Spanish-American War with no such aid and it is their understanding of such conditions that has made this purpose paramount.

    Are Malteze Crosses.
    The medals, a bronze Malteze Cross with the insignia of the branch of the service in the center and held by a ribbon, the same as worn on the uniform of the United States, for overseas service, were given to the new members. The six new members elected have all seen service in France, England and Belgium and are: Thomas A. Brown, Leroy C. Huntley, Howard A. Davis, Homer C. Hogan, Angus Sumner and Joe F. Still. This initiation gives Post 39 a total of 34 members and efforts will be continued to get new members as fat as they are discharged from the service.

    Newspaper Article

  • In carrying out the order from national headquarters L. M. Tate Post 39, Veterans of Foreign Wars, formed the ladies' auxiliary of the organization and installed officers Friday night. A fine start was made with 30 members present. Post 39 presented the ladies" auxiliary with a handsome Bible for the altar. The first commander of the first post presented the national colors. These were accepted with appropriate remarks by the several ladies elected to office.The officers installed were: President, Josephine E. Selmar; senior vice president, Rosa L. Paddon; junior vice president, Miss Florence Henderson; secretary, Helen H. Whitman; treasurer, Ivy Blackburn; chaplain, Gertrude Henderson; conductress, Amie Palmer; historian, Edyth Fussell; guard, Agnes Holllster.The trustees elected were Elsie Nottage, Eva Ballard and Amie Palmer, To be eligible to the Ladies' auxiliary one must be the immediate blood relative of someone who has seen foreign service.The nine charter members who were present last night are: Florence Ballard, Sarah Ballard, Henrietta Martin, Eva A Fussell, Nannie Hackney, Mary A. Jones, Marian Riley, Laura A. McMullen, Mrs. Joe F. Still. Newspaper Article

  • On May 28th the Post was invited to a Memorial Day Rays baseball game. On May 29th the Post had a BBQ and officer installation.

    Photos of the two events.